Hear Moli’s new single, “Funeral”

Belgian singer-songwriter Moli is back with her second single of 2024. The song is called “Funeral” and was created together with producer Johannes Roemer in Vienna. It was then released independently, an experience the artist admits was both exciting and frightening.

Sombre and ruminative lyrics characterize “Funeral”. The song’s emotive, stripped-down nature stems from Moli’s powerful voice, which shines throughout this track.

She comments, “‘Funeral’ is a song I wrote back in 2021 in Berlin with my dear friend and co-writer Michael Ochs. We decided to strip everything back and write something on the piano, leading to the idea of a funeral – a slightly morbid but intriguing concept about who would actually show up at your funeral. It’s a metaphor for holding on to the memory of people who were once close but have drifted apart. The song resonated deeply with me and every time I performed it on tour, the audience’s reaction confirmed its special place in my heart.

Having released her debut EP in 2018 and her sophomore EP, Préface, three years later, Moli is known for her great music. “Funeral” doesn’t disappoint either. Despite its dark tone, the song is beautifully crafted.

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